Hello there! I’m Linda. The creator and writer of this website. My goal with Wild Linda is to show you all the wild and amazing places you can explore around the globe.
Growing up, I didn’t get to do a lot of traveling. I always wanted to, but I just could never afford it. It wasn’t until I was in my early 30’s that I had a little bit of disposable income and finally felt like I could travel. Since then, I’ve been able to cross a few destinations off my bucket list; places like Mexico, Aruba, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. In the United States I’ve been able to explore the Grand Canyon, and the St. Pete Beach area of Florida. And there’s so many more places that I want to see!
When my husband and I are not working or traveling, we unwind by camping, hiking, and biking. We live in Central Minnesota and have access to beautiful state parks and long, amazing bike trails. We love getting outdoors and hiking the trails at state parks, seeing wildlife and checking out all the wild flowers.